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“Your story is still being written,
hopefully by you.”
Dangers of Eating Too Close to Bedtime
Circles of Safety
The Magic of Fiction: It's effects on Mental Health
Social Burnout

Alvis Paege
Nov 18, 20244 min read
The Paradox of Abuse: A Costly Oversight
Abusive people are not abusive to everyone, and they are not abusive all the time. This is the paradox of Abuse.

Puneet Agrawal
Sep 5, 20244 min read
Habit Breaking: a Simple Step towards Overcoming Powerful Addictions
Addiction is a vast topic and a complicated problem. And the best way to approach a complicated problem is to first simplify it.

Puneet Agrawal
Jul 25, 20248 min read
Hidden Needs: A Simple Road to Empathy & Understanding
Every action of every person, whether it is what they say, what they do, or how they behave, is innately based on a need they have.

Puneet Agrawal
Jun 27, 20249 min read
Nature's Pause Button: Secrets of Building an Impeccable Sleep Cycle
Life often becomes really stressful. Whether it's work, family, friends, health, relationships, or any number of things. Sometimes it...

Puneet Agrawal
Apr 5, 20212 min read
What's the Best Time to go to Therapy?
Due to lack of awareness and persistent stigma, people usually seek therapy when they are facing overwhelming distress and dysregulation....

Puneet Agrawal
Mar 5, 20213 min read
Loneliness: Friend or Foe?
If we go back to caveman times, Loneliness serves an evolutionary and survival purpose. If one behaves in a way that would endanger the...
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